EYFS Autumn Disco

The children had a wonderful time during the last week of half term at the Autumn disco. Lots of fun, sweets, awesome dance moves, laughter and hot dogs. What more could we want? Mr Kershaw and I also enjoyed having a boogie to ‘Time Warp’ which so many of the children were excellent at too!

Reception phonics

This week in Phonics we have been covering the following sounds. The sounds will be sent out for the children to be practising to recognise the phoneme, say the phoneme and then write the grapheme.

The children are really starting to learn and retain those sounds but will need support to blend those sounds together. Have a go at the green words and the more they hear those sounds being blended the easier it will become.


Mrs Wallace and Mrs Jones.

EYFS Disco

We had a super Autumn disco on Wednesday. The children were super excited and beautifully behaved! Lots of awesome dance moves!
Well done everyone

Mrs Wallace

EYFS visited the children’s hospital!

As part of our expedition learning we were invited into DRI to see Katie the Matron and the wonderful work and environment the staff there provide for their patients. Vincent and Elodie represented the school and I am so proud of them for their excellent behaviour and awesome thoughts and suggestions on how to improve the children’s ward. Elodie thought more princesses and phonics sounds were needed and Vincent wanted to see more superhero’s and dinosaurs. Great suggestions guys!
We are looking forward to being able to donate the money raised this term to the children’s ward in developing their much needed parents room.

Nursery book sale tomorrow!

We’re all ready for tomorrow’s book sale during our book and biscuit event. 8.30 -9am. All books, DVD’s and puzzles 50p each to raise funds for Nursery resources.
If you are unable to make it tomorrow and would like to pop in to buy a book when you collect your child today we will be open between 2.45 – 3.10 pm. Lots of the children have their eyes on a few books already…

Nursery – Goldilocks and the 3 Bears

Last week, the children loved learning about Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. We read the story, talked about the characters and their actions and then enjoyed lots of 3 bear themed provision. We were making bears with play dough, sensory playing using oats, role playing the story, following instructions to bake baby bear shaped bread and painting the characters from the story.

Awesome work Nursery Crew!

Nursery book and a biscuit

A reminder to our nursery parents and grandparents that our book and a biscuit event will take place on Wednesday 16th October between 8.30 – 9 am where you can come and share a story with your child. We will also be having a book sale. All books will be priced 50p to raise funds for nursery resources.

The original blog is here – https://greentopschool.co.uk/nursery-book-a-biscuit-2/

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.
Mrs Hay & Mrs Burton

EYFS Sponsored Walk

On Wednesday we had such a fabulous time doing our sponsored walk to raise funds for DRI. The children were dressed as Superheroes. . . with kindness being our superpower of the day!

It was a bit soggy and a bit chilly but the children did not let this put them off! Well done everyone for being Greentop superheroes!!

Mrs Wallace