Crew Council / Extended Study- Kindness Week!

Before half term, Crew Council delivered some personalised kindness stones to show their appreciation for members of staff in school.

We spoke about how this links to our Character Trait of Compassion and how it was a rewarding experience for both those handing them out and for those receiving them.

Linking to Kindness Week – I wonder if you could show some compassion and kindness throughout this week?

You could:

  • Help tidy around the house
  • Be a good steward in the classroom
  • Shoutout for a crew member for something that they have done
  • Show your appreciation to someone in school or at home

I can’t wait to see lots of kindness and compassion around school!

Maths Week Activity 2!

Thank you to everyone who took part in the first activity of the week; we have had some fantastically creative work handed in! Are you ready for challenge two?

Maths is around us and we are constantly using language linked to maths in our everyday life. Can you create a poster that celebrates math vocabulary?

Your task is to create an A to Z poster! I wonder how creative you can make it….can you add images for each word? Which colours will you use?

Here is an example below although I know our children can do much better!

Well done to Adam who shared this amazing work for activity 1!

Extended Study – World Read Aloud Day! (5th February)

Today is World Read Aloud Day. To celebrate this, as well as National Storytelling Week, why don’t you spend some time reading one of your favourite books out loud!

You could read it to a grown up, a sibling, a friend, you could even read it to your favourite teddy!

Take a picture to share with us at school for our reading display – you can even email it to [email protected]

We’re looking forward to seeing lots of you enjoying your favourite stories!

Maths Week 2025- Challenge 1

Maths Week 2025 is here, and we’re kicking things off with an exciting home learning challenge! This is your chance to get creative, have fun with numbers, and showcase your mathematical thinking.

For our first home learning challenge, we’d like you to choose a number and create a poster displaying different ways to represent it. You can show your number using:

  • Numerals (e.g. 7)
  • Words (e.g. seven)
  • Pictures (e.g. seven stars)
  • Number sentences (e.g. 3 + 4 = 7)
  • Arrays
  • Tally marks
  • Money
  • Anything else creative!

How to Take Part

  1. Choose a number that inspires you.
  2. Design and decorate your poster using any materials you like – be as colourful and imaginative as possible!
  3. Make sure your poster clearly shows your chosen number in a variety of ways.
  4. Submit your entry to Mr Mumby by Friday to take part in the challenge.

We can’t wait to see your fantastic ‘Ways to Show a Number’ posters! Get your thinking caps on, grab your pencils, and start creating.

Happy Maths Week!

Year 6 spellings

Today we looked at the spelling of the following Y5/6 statutory words. All these words link to our expedition writing so the children will be practicing them over the next two weeks, to ensure when they use them in their written work they are spelt correctly.

government     individual                              

determined       prejudice 

community        opportunity

recognise          neighbour