Times Tables Rock Stars Challenge!

As part of our commitment to make maths exciting and high profile in our school, we are taking part in a friendly competition involving schools in England. The competition runs from 07:30 GMT Tuesday 14th November 2023 to 19:30 GMT Thursday 16th November 2023. It’s all done online via play.ttrockstars.com.

Children can play in any game mode with every correct answer to a multiplication or division question, earning themselves, their class and the school a point. The Times Tables Rock Stars platform will calculate the class average (the number of correct answers per pupil in the class who play during the competition hours, subject to a daily 60-minute limit (see below). Winning classes in the school and in the competition as a whole will be the ones with the highest average.

To support player wellbeing, there is a daily time limit of 60-minutes per player. In other words, each player can earn competition points for up to 60-minutes between 07:30 GMT and 19:30 GMT on 07:30 GMT Tuesday 14th November 2023 to 19:30 GMT Thursday 16th November 2023. Once the player goes beyond 60-minutes of play on that day, they will still earn coins but will no longer earn points towards the competition.

Which Crew will be victorious? Who will rock their way to glory? Only time will tell…….

Camp Nursery

This afternoon we were very lucky to be joined by Mr Kershaw. He continued our learning on bonfire safety by setting up a campfire and showing the children how to toast marshmallows safely. The children were fantastic and showed how much they had learnt this week in Nursery. What a fabulous friday afternoon treat!

Firework & Bonfire Night safety in Nursery

Today we have talked about keeping ourselves safe on Bonfire Night. The children shared some fantastic ideas about how they will keep safe.

“Wear gloves and don’t touch the fireworks”

“Stay with Mummy and Daddy”

“Keep my doggy inside”

“Stand back far away from the bonfire and fireworks”

We then made bonfire pictures and used chalk outside to create fireworks.


Calling all KS2 Singers and dancers! – WE NEED YOU!

Are you interested in taking part in Young Voices 2024?! 

If you would like to be a part of the choir and join us at one of the best events of the year come along to Young Voices Dinner Club each Monday lunch time in Crew Spetch. It will run from 12:30 until 1pm! We will also be practicing in Choir club every Tuesday 3-4pm.

Please come and see me for a letter if you would like to join us!

I can’t wait to see lots of you there!

Mrs Spetch & Mrs Small x 

Diwali Bollywood Dancing in Nursery

Wow! What a wonderful day we’ve had dancing! Thank you to all the parents and family members who joined us today and taking part with enthusiasm and flare! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we all did! A big thank you Natalie from The Education Group for teaching us some awesome Bollywood moves!

Nursery have been pumpkin printing!

The children loved getting a little messy today. Firstly, we cut open the pumpkins and looked what was inside. We then explored what we could create when we dipped the pumpkins in paint. We talked about textures, patterns, marks and prints. Gorgeous work everybody and beautiful collaborative art!