Nursery Children’s choice…

Now our expedition has come to an end we are having ‘child choice’ weeks until the end of term. Mrs Burton and I love these weeks as it gives us lovely opportunities to enjoy what the children like doing best. This week the children have asked for babies and nappies, doctor sets, bat and ball games, ice painting and finger painting. I wonder what lovely things we will do next week…

Stewardship in Nursery

The children worked really hard this morning litter picking around the school grounds with Mrs Hardman. We have lots of lovely, kind children who have taken pride in looking after our school.

Great work Nursery Crew!

Nursery are getting school ready!

We are starting to think about what starting in Reception will bring. The children have been practising collecting a cup and walking with a dinner tray like they will need to do in September. This may seem like a small thing but is actually a tricky skill for our little people when they have never had to do it before.

We think they did a great job and we’ll continue to practise in the coming weeks.

Nursery (Children moving to Reception)

Dear Parents and Carers,

As part of your child’s transition into reception this year you will all have received the following by the end of next week.

A letter explaining your child’s start date, 2 days transition into reception (Wednesday the 10th and Thursday the 11th of July 8:30-3pm) We would like to invite you to a parents information meeting on Thursday 20th June for key messages and information and to see the reception classrooms. If you feel you know school and the team and would like to instead email any questions or receive a phone call from Miss Carter and the reception teachers please get in touch. The slides from the meeting will be placed on the nursery blog for you to access. You will also receive 2 google forms to complete where you can give information about your child and complete the relevant consents and contacts ready for your child starting school.

Please arrive at the Ash Tree Road school entrance ready for 4:00pm for a short meeting in the hall. If your child is coming with you and would like to play in the reception classrooms during the meeting, please let us know prior,  for staffing purposes. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email [email protected] or ask speak to Miss Carter

We look forward to seeing you soon!

EYFS Celebration of Learning

What Happens when the Sea meets the Shore?

On Wednesday 19th June at 2pm out EYFS families are welcome to join us in the hall from 2pm to celebrate our children’s expedition learning this term.

Please come through the entrance on Ash Tree Road to the school hall where we will come together first.

Nursery will then come to nursery with their parents/carers to take part in craft activities and F2 children will do the same in the hall.

Children are welcome to come into school dressed in their Pirate or World Ocean Day Costume.

We look forward to sharing our learning with you all