Spring tulips

This morning we used different equipment to make artwork. Using forks the children made tulips which we have very proudly displayed in Nursery. Well done everyone

Spectacular Spoons!

I can’t believe the amount of wonderful character spoons we had fetched into school as part of our World Book Day competition! The creativity and effort that has gone into each and every one is amazing!

The Learning Council judged the spoons this morning but it was such a hard choice that we have ended up with 8 winners instead of 4!

Watch this space to see the winning spoons tomorrow …

Here are just some of the fabulous characters!

Nursery celebration of learning & book sale

A reminder that on Wednesday 13th March 1.30pm we will be hosting our Nursery celebration of learning for ‘Who is hiding in the pages of the book?’ We will enjoy some activities and sharing of our product. We will also be holding another book sale to raise funds for EYFS resources.
We look forward to you all joining us.

Thank you for your on going support in your child’s learning.

Mrs Hay & the Nursery Team

Nursery World Book Day 2024

Today t

Today the children in Nursery looked amazing in their World Book Day Costumes. It was lovely to see their excited faces this morning. Today the children spoke about their favourite stories in Crew, drew pictures of their favourite book or character and enjoyed looking at each others costumes.