A huge well done to all of our winners today, it was lovely listening to all the positive comments from Crew Leaders and hearing how everyone has been modelling our HOWLs and Character Traits. We’re all really proud of you!

A huge well done to all of our winners today, it was lovely listening to all the positive comments from Crew Leaders and hearing how everyone has been modelling our HOWLs and Character Traits. We’re all really proud of you!
Well done to our Y6 pupils who came in 6th place across the Doncaster schools. The children showed great spirit in all the track & field events they participated in and gave 100%! Well done Y6
This morning, Year 6 learnt all about the role of a conductor who works for Northern Rail and about the other jobs they could do within the wider rail industry. India was a fabulous volunteer and made an excellent conductor!
This morning, Year 6 had an expert visit them from Network Rail. They learnt all about the dangers of the railway and the importance of not only keeping themselves safe but the safety of others in the wider community. Keep safe everyone!
Parents and carers are warmly welcome to our presentation of learning based on our guiding question, “How has the 19th century influenced lives today?”. We will share our learning throughout this term and share our work in History, Science and Art. Please join us on the 26th March at 2-3pm in the school hall. See you there!
Well done to our Y6 children who took part in the pyramid benchball competition on Wednesday at Trinity. Out of 8 teams competing we finished 3rd and 4th respectively. Well done Y6, keep your eyes peeled for the next competition!
This week we have begun a new English cycle and have started to look at the features of a non-chronological report. This morning we completed a number of tasks to develop our understanding. These included: putting a model text back together in the correct order, sorting features your would and wouldn’t find in this genre of writing, identifying highlighted SPAG and text features within a model text and then extending thinking further by explaining the purpose of given features. I was very impressed with the children’s knowledge and I can’t wait until we start to write our own reports.
A massive shout out to Theo’s Mum who came and spoke to the children this morning about her role as a train driver. The children loved hearing all about: the skills needed to be a train driver, what is involved in the day to day job and the importance of train safety. They went on to ask some thoughtful and enquiring questions and hopefully it will have inspired some of our children to set themselves aspirations for a future career. Ask the children if they can remember the importance of 6 sheep to a train driver; this was linked to an interesting but funny fact!
This afternoon we began our art case study and hooked ourselves into our learning by exploring different watercolour techniques linked to control and tone. I can’t wait until we begin our final art work; I am certain we have some budding artists among our crew.
Today in Expedition we used our reading skills to retrieve information and build our background knowledge on the evolution of trains. Great work guys – you worked incredibly hard.