Year 6 have arrived – no rain at the moment!

This afternoon, we demonstrated excellent communication and collaborative skills whilst completing the challenge of building the tallest freestanding structure with mini marshmallows and cocktail sticks.
The winners of the stickiest ‘mess’ were Jersey, Sophie and Naomi!
The winners of the tallest structure were Charlie, Ashton, Bobby and Jack.
Well done everyone – a fun time was had by all! x
This morning we spent some time thinking of positive quotes we could include on rocks that will become part of Green Top ‘Kindness Rock Garden’. Everyone thought carefully about their design and put a lot of effort into making it unique! I love the individuality of them all – well done guys!
Mrs Jackson x
Yesterday, we had a fantastic day as a new year 6 crew. We explored our emotions and this effects our body and the way we behave. After looking at the 4 zones of regulation, we went on to enjoy watching and making links with the film ‘Inside Out’. Finally, we created our own characters to match the 4 zones and have our fingers crossed that one of ours will be selected for the school poster.
Please see the letter below. This information can also be found on Trinity Academy’s transition page which can be found here: https://www.trinity-academy.org.uk/Transition/
This afternoon in Y5/6 Family Learning the children took part in different activities linked to being healthy. Myself and Miss Walton, enjoyed hosting a Ready Steady Cook challenge and we had a fantastic time creating healthy and creative dishes. Check the wonderful dishes below.
Well done everyone – I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Mrs Jackson, Miss Walton, Mrs Rafferty and Miss Kelly x
At the start of year , everyone in Crew Jackson wrote letters to themselves about what they wanted to achieve by the end of Year 6. The children all thought really carefully about their own personal goals and aspirations – considered their HOWLs, character growth, crew, SATs, academic success and beautiful work. After they finished, they were sealed in envelopes addressed to themselves and put away to save for the end of the year.
This morning, they got to open their letters, read them again, see the progress they had made and find out how successful they had been at achieving their goals.
It was lovely to watch their faces and hear them talk about their achievements. You have an amazing year and I am so proud of everyone. Well done on all your successes this year! x
Parents and carers are warmly welcome to our annual KS2 Sports Day 2024. Join us on the 2nd of July at 9am, we need YOU there to cheer on our future Olympians.
This event will take place on the KS2 field. Please enter via the gates at the top playground and make your way down to the school field where you will find chairs along the race track.
Mrs Fitzpatrick will be on hand, serving snacks and refreshments throughout the morning too!
See you there!
A huge shoutout to this weeks Howl point winners and Community Crew Champions, it was a great start to the week hearing all the positivity happening across our 5/6 Crew!
This afternoon we visited the Book Fair to look at the different books available. We really enjoyed looking for books by our favourite authors and at new books that we might enjoy. We finished our visit by sharing some of the funny picture books – our favourite was ‘Who’s poo is this?’
Don’t forget the book fair is still open today after school and tomorrow at 8:15am, 3pm and 4pm. Still time to take advantage of the buy 3 for the price of 2.