Y5/6 Community Meeting & OOTW celebrations

Congratulations to all our HOWL point and OOTW winners – it was great to come together this morning and celebrate your achievements in our phase crew. Thank you to the parents who were able to join us to celebrate as well.

A few reminders – don’t forget to mark your HOWL points as you go; see Miss Myers if you would like to join the choir and attend Young Voices in February; and, we look forward to seeing your Ronald Dahl dress ups next week!

Y6: Trinity Academy transition website


If you are considering Trinity Academy as a secondary option, they have created a website on the link above. This link contains lots of information about the school including the school prospectus, uniform expectations and key people involved in the transition process.

Kind regards

Mr Mumby

Y5/6 Expedition Homework Menu

Hi, please find the Y5/6 homework menu attached. In addition, reading is a vital life skill, please support us by listening to your child at least 3 times a week. As SATs is fast approaching, reading daily will support your child’s reading fluency and accuracy. Books read at home can contribute to your child’s Accelerated Reader data. Links are in the PDF below:

Kind Regards, Mr Mumby

Y5/Y6 OOTW Phase Assembly

It was a pleasure to invite parents back to our OOTW phase assembly for the first time this morning – thank you to those who could make it to help celebrate their children receiving OOTW certificates for their achievements in school today. A big well done to all the other children who also received shout outs and HOWL certificates as well … who will be celebrating next Thursday?

Welcome to Year 5 💫

Wow! What a fantastic week we’ve had transitioning into Year 5. It has been super to see lots of new friendships being formed as my current Crew merged with the children from Crew Faulding.
We’ve had lots of team building activities and reflected on what we expect from Crew next year. I’m so excited to watch you all grow and be the best version of you!

Y5/6: A great start to our new phase crew!

It has been a fabulous end to the term by welcoming our new Y5’s to the phase. This week we have spent time developing our new crews through establishing crew norms, creating collaborative art work, creating a crew song amongst other exciting activities. As Y6 have their current teachers again, their transition looked slightly different. Working around the extreme heat this week, that children coped incredibly well with, Y6 children took part in service learning by throughly cleaning the areas around school by litter picking and making our school look the best it can be. We made a stand by creating eye-catching posters that we intend on placing on the fences around the school, particularly the entrance to school. Following this, we had a continental brunch as a reward for our hard work and as a treat for attendance this academic year. This week has been fantastic, I am proud of every single child in our new crew. I’m certain we’re going to have an outstanding and memorable year as a new phase crew.

Wishing everyone a restful and enjoyable Summer break.

Year 3- Postcard winners so far!

A huge shout out to these superstars for a fab start in Year 3. You’ve all stood out to me and Miss O’Neill during the last couple of days for working hard in all of our transition activities. Keep it up guys!

Mrs Faulding x

Team building in Crew faulding!

We had so much fun with our lava challenge yesterday! I was blown away by the great ideas each team had and everyone’s enthusiasm.

We started off the challenge steady but of course we had to turn up the heat (no pun intended after this weeks weather ha ha) and give them less time to get from one side to another. You all smashed it! I really enjoyed hearing all of your reflections on what went well during our debrief afterwards.

Mrs Faulding x