It might still be November but we have already started the winter and Christmas themed arts and crafts! I love how independent you all are at being creative – each week you all produce your own version of our themed task. Check out our wonderful winter wonderlands!
On Monday 4th December at 5pm we would like to invite you to join us in the hall for our celebration of learning for our expedition – ‘How can we help our planet survive?’
You will have the opportunity to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea whilst you look at your child’s expedition work, listen to your child read you their speech about saving endangered animals and view their final product.
We can not wait to share their amazing framed artwork with you. This will be available for you to take home on the night; all we ask is that you bring some change to throw in to our donation buckets. All money raised will be donated to the World Wildlife Fund to support endangered animals.
We look forward to seeing you at this event.
The Year 5 and 6 staff team
Shout out to some of our Y6 children who took part in the Thorne pyramid tag rugby competition at Moorends Rec. The children braved the cold & wet conditions to play some excellent rugby! Well done Y6!
I have been notified by TTRS (Maths Circle) that many children are using out-of-date versions of the game which may not have the new functionalities.
It’s important that they use the latest versions of the app and and website to ensure they receive the most secure, feature-rich and enjoyable experience of Times Tables Rock Stars. Some of the versions are so far behind that they’re missing out on key updates.
If using the website at home, please ask parents to visit play.ttrockstars.com/reset to load the latest version in their device’s browser. Otherwise please to update the Times Tables Rock Stars app from the app store.
Mr Mumby
Another lovely morning listening to lots of positive comments about our Crew Champions this week. Well done to our Howl Point winners and to Crew Barnett and Crew Walton/Oldridge for winning the total prize!
Just a reminder that tomorrow is non-uniform day for Children In Need. This years theme is wear something that makes you smile for a suggested donation of £1.
Find out your favourite fancy dress, pjs or sports wear.
We will also be having a bun sale with a donation of 50p.
Please bring any donated bakes to the office in the morning.
Many thanks, Crew Councillors
Our children have spent the week leading up to Armistice day learning about the reason we wear the red poppy and have produced these stunning examples to display in our corridors.
A beautiful and fitting tribute to the fallen.
A huge shout out to this weeks HOWL point winners and Crew Champions. It was great to hear lots of lovely, positive comments and hear the impressive HOWL point totals!
A great week Crew 5/6!