Key stage 1 family learning dates

Year 1 and Year 2 will be holding a family learning session where we invite parents, carers and grandparents into school to support the children with their learning! We will be doing some DT that links to our castle expedition and we think the children will love it! I hope lots of you can make it into school.

Year 1 – Tuesday 15th October 2024 – 1.30pm

Year 2 – Thursday 17th October 2024 – 1.30pm

Class 6 Read Anywhere….

As a celebration of Reading Week and to help decorate our reading area class 6 have a request. We would like to display photographs of us reading in unusual places. This could be in the garden, in the dark, in the bath, in the dog’s kennel…the more unusual the better! Be as imaginative and inventive as you like! See below for photographs of past year groups for inspiration!

You can print them and send them in or email them to me at…

[email protected]

Thank you in advance

Miss R x

Story Time in Class 6

A huge thank you to Pandora who came back to visit her old classroom today and shared a story with Class 6. The children loved listening to Pandy read and it was great to hear her using all the phonics skills – expression and punctuation – that she learned while in my class all those years ago….she read beautifully!

Thanks so much Pandora…come and see us again soon x

Class 6 impressive first spelling check

A huge shout out to Erin, Paisley, Freya and Aurora who all scored full marks in our first weekly spelling check today and got to choose a treat from Miss Rodgers’ special prize box.

Great job girls! I wonder if any of the boys will score full marks next week?

Faith Day in Class 6

Today in class 6 we tried to answer the question – ‘What is religion?’. We found out that there are 6 major world religions – Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhi, Judaism and Hinduism. We also discovered that although the teachings of each religion are different, all of them share three basic principles. Faith – that what they believe is true, Hope – that by following the teachings of their religion they can make the world a better place and Love – for their God and each other.

The children then collaborated to make a stunning piece of art work and decided that the answer to the question ‘What is religion?’ is a set of rules that people believe will help them live a good life.

Fantastic job Class 6. Proud of you as always.