In Crew this morning we talked about emotions and how we can experience lots of different ones in a day. We talked about how our actions can affect others emotions and then played guess my emotion.
Great job guys!

In Crew this morning we talked about emotions and how we can experience lots of different ones in a day. We talked about how our actions can affect others emotions and then played guess my emotion.
Great job guys!
WE had a lovely surprise visit this afternoon from Elise who came to read us a story as part of National Storytelling Week
Elise, who was in my class when she was in year 1, chose Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae. I wonder why?
Great choice Elise! And thank you so much for coming to visit. x
The bad weather didn’t stop us having a fantastic Kixx session in the Hall this afternoon. Coach Kyle commented on how well the children listened to instruction and that they blew him away with their excellent ball control.
There are still quite a few children without kit.
Please could you make sure that the correct kit is sent into school on Monday morning please?
On Thursday, KS1 gathered once again with students, teachers and parents/carers for our weekly Community Crew meeting. We shared our recent learning, celebrated shout outs and praises, and gave special recognition for our Crew Champions … as well as enjoy singing our crew songs! A huge well done to everybody for a fantastic learning week in KS1, and especially to all those who received special mentions and certificates – keep on being fantastic!
Crew Hilton / Dutton were, for the second week running, crowned 1st place in attendance. Can they make it a hat-trick and keep Paddington the Bear for a 3rd consecutive week? Only time (and the class registers!) will tell …
Another Thursday and another fantastic story to explore! This week we have read Tadpole’s Promise, which tells of the unlikely romance and unfortunate demise of a tadpole and caterpillar.
The children have enjoyed thinking of their own unlikely animal pairing, making use of their new learning about animals from different countries and their habitats. What fabulous drawings to illustrate your own romantic tales, KS1 – well done!
If anyone has any materials that could be used to make a bug hotel, please could you bring them into school by next Tuesday (for Year 1) or Wednesday (for year 2). The children will be creating their own bug hotels, which links to our expedition learning. I have put some photographs below for ideas of materials that we could use.
We would appreciate any cardboard tubes, small pieces of wood, lollipop sticks, leaves, foliage, paper straws or any natural materials such as acorns or pine cones.
Thank you so much in advance
Key stage 1 team x x x
In story club today, we have enjoyed reading the book ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers which tells the tale of an unexpected friendship between a boy and a penguin from the South Pole.
As KS1 are learning about different animals from different places in the world, this was the perfect starting point for us to imagine and draw ourselves with our own animal friend. Children followed the style of Oliver Jeffers and drew themselves with an animal of their choice from one of the places we have studied so far.
Well done boys and girls – a great start to our new after-school club!
Here are just some of the crafts we enjoyed in class 6 during hook week. Watch this space for photographs of our exciting, newly-immersed classroom. Just a few finishing touches to add before we show you what a wonderful learning space we have!