On the Friday we broke up for half term, I had the privilege of taking some of our KS2 Choir to Young Voices at the Utilita Arena, Sheffield. It was lovely to see lots of new friendships being built and children supporting and encouraging each other. A HUGE shoutout for the superb behaviour too which was shown by the children, they represented our school brilliantly.

Thank you to all of the adults that supported the event either buying tickets, coming along to watch the show or collecting children from school afterwards it is greatly appreciated!

Myself, Mrs Faulding, Mrs Cook, Miss Nolan and Miss Kelly even enjoyed singing along and learning the dance moves too – we were all very proud and already looking forward to next year!

Well done everyone! x

Amazing home learning!

Isobel has made some model teeth for her home learning and they looked fabulous! What a creative way to carry out this task and the effort and pride is clear too! Very impressive. She also made a poster showing what’s good and bad for our teeth!

Science – transportation of water in plants (class experiment)

The children in class 10 are making me so proud with all their science learning, they are like little sponges absorbing and recalling so much information! Here they are setting up their science experiment for observing how water travels in plants. Ask them at home what they did and what they found out! They will be able to tell you about how water travels – challenge them to use the word xylem in their explanation too!

Year 3 family learning

We’ve had a fantastic time this morning in our family learning. We have been dissecting a lily to identify the parts of a flower and draw a diagram with labels to show this. We finished off with a kahoot quiz and we all got very competitive, well done to the winners- Plant Pioneers!

Thank you to all the parents that came along and attended, we really appreciate all of your support.

Mr Gerrard, Miss Hilton, Miss O’Neill and Miss Bull

World Book Day

Green Top will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March and this will be a dress up event.

We can’t wait to see which book character you decide to be but please don’t feel that you have to buy a costume – we love seeing the homemade ones!

Save the date - World Book Day | World Book Day is a registered charity.  Our mission is to give every child and young person a book of their own.


Young Voices is NEARLY here!! Children will be leaving school at 12pm to arrive at Utilita Arena in time for rehearsals to start at 1pm. Children will have lunch early in school before leaving.

Children will need a packed lunch for their tea and plenty to drink – We will be having an hour at 5pm for children to be able to eat in the arena before the concert begins.

I have received all of the children’s T-Shirts and Torches and will distribute them to the children on the day. Children should come to school in their usual school uniform and can change their T-Shirts before we leave.

Concert Times:

Venue doors open at 6pm for all adults who are attending. The Concert starts at 7pm and finishes at 8:45pm. All adult tickets will be given to children by the end of tomorrow to bring home at 3pm. There is also a letter that gives further information about parking.

All children are to return to school on the coach and no children will be permitted to leave the arena with their parents. The coach will drop everyone off at the main school gates at approximately 9:45pm.

Maths Week Challenge 5

Today is NSPCC Number Day and TTRockstars are holding an NSPCC Rocks event! Support our school by logging in to your TTRockstars and taking part! The competition is open until 7.30pm.

If you don’t have a TTRockstars account you could play other online games on websites such as Hit the Button or Maths Frame!

Have fun!