Class 7 – Great Fire of London Workshop

Wow! What a fantastic day we’ve had in Class 7 … Not only have we been busy doing lots of fantastic work, we’ve had some brilliant Tudor dressing up as part of our drama workshop. In the workshop, we met Thomas Farriner and Samuel Pepys who tested our understanding of the Great Fire of London as well as teaching us some new facts and information. We re-enacted the timeline of the fire as well as performing a dance to the song, London’s Burning!

Well done on a fabulous day everyone … I wonder if you can remember what these different freeze-frame pictures tell us about the fire? And don’t forget to impress your grown-ups with your new fancy word … combustible!

Class 7 – Weekly Round Up

It’s been a super busy week for Class 7 this week and we’ve been learning lots more about the Great Fire of London as well as having a go at some fabulous diary writing – just like Samuel Pepys! In maths, we have been learning about place value and practising partitioning 2digit numbers in different ways.

Today in crew, we were thinking about families and how important our families are for all of us – no matter how different they might be. Children spent some time drawing the special people in their lives and talking about them with each other and it was very clear we are all so lucky with the people we have around us.

Don’t forget that there are teacher training days both tomorrow and Monday, so please enjoy your lovely long weekend and Miss Hilton will see you all again on Tuesday. Remember to bring in any home learning to share with us and to keep up your reading and Times Tables Rockstar practice!

Enjoy! Mrs Dutton x

KS1 Workshop Information – the Great Fire of London

Next Thursday, 28th September, KS1 are looking forward to welcoming a drama workshop group into school to find out more about the Great Fire of London. As part of this immersive experience we would like to invite children to get dressed up as a child from the Tudor period. Please see pictures attached for some inspiration. Whilst we would love to see as many children as possible dressed up, please do not feel the need to go to any expense for this as it is optional and children will still benefit greatly from the workshop experience whether dressed up or in uniform.

Thank you for your continued support, the KS1 team x