Today in reception the children were using a ten’s frame to help them put numbers together to build the number 20! Here are some of our wow moments!

Today in reception the children were using a ten’s frame to help them put numbers together to build the number 20! Here are some of our wow moments!
Just a little reminder that on Wednesday there will be a phonics drop in for all parents who have children in EYFS and year 1. If your child is older but you know that they still find phonics useful then please still come along if you can. It will help you to know how to support your children with their phonics learning and give you an insight into what we teach your children in these sessions.
There are 2 sessions; one at 9am and one at 3.15pm. They will be the same presentation so you only need to attend one of them and they won’t last longer than 30 minutes.
We look forward to seeing you there
Key stage 1 and EYFS team x x
This in nursery the children have been playing balloon games as part of their crew session. The children had to work together to win the game and of course had lots of fun along the way being a team and showing their amazing listening! We finished off our afternoon celebrating how awesome and kind Hazel has been today! Keep up the great work Hazel ! Such a role model for our nursery crew !
Dear Reception parents of 2020-21,
Typically we would have held a parents meeting and tour where the letters you’ve received over the last couple of weeks would have been shared.
Below is some further information that will hopefully answer some of your questions before you start in reception.
Dear Nursery parents of 2020-21,
Typically we would have held a parents meeting and tour where the letters you’ve received over the last couple of weeks would have been shared.
Below is some further information that will hopefully answer some of your questions before you start at our nursery.
Kalab and Spencer!
Well done Spencer for being a Curious Cleo today exploring all parts of your transition to nursery and to Kalab for being an absolute learning Legend modelling his learning and showing he is ready for reception!
Well done Eva for being a Connecting Connie today by drawing a picture for her new teacher using her knowledge of 2D shapes! Eva spoke about this in her play and was excited to share her work with her friends!
Well done Eva I am super proud of your love of learning and your confidence to share!