Brilliant start to History Week

History week ‘blasted off’ to an amazing start today as we celebrated the 54th anniversary of the launch of the Saturn 5 rocket and the Apollo 11 mission to land on the moon. We will be following the mission in real time day by day until the actual touch down on the moon’s surface on the 20th of July.

In year 1, we thought about how Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins felt as they embarked upon their historic journey and related this to our giant leap into year 2 and how that made us feel. We talked about the qualities we have developed this year such as kindness, hard work, friendship and resilience, and how we can carry these with us as we continue our own journey through Green Top.

During our transition days we will be studying another famous astronaut, Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space. The other key stages will learn about other astronauts and each will produce a fact file. I can’t wait to see everyone’s efforts!