A busy second day in Class 6

Today we continued to answer our guiding question – How does what I do impact others? – by gathering discarded materials on our playground and sorting them into categories ready for recycling. We learned about the 3 R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – and discussed ways we could put this into practise to improve our environment. We played a memory game in crew, used number fans to answer maths calculations, recapped more phonic sounds, continued with our guided reading activity, danced, played and sang songs. Take a look at the slideshow below to get an idea of just how hard we have worked today. As promised there are also photographs from yesterday’s XP Outdoors session too.

If we carry on as we have begun I have a feeling this is going to be an amazing year!

In addition to this a huge well done to Nevaeh, Henry and Grace, who were proud to receive today’s postcards for their Work Hard, Get Smart and Be Kind attitudes.

Keep it up guys!