10 day Active Travel challenge
Dear Parent / Carer,
Our school will be taking part in South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership’s 10 day Active Travel Challenge starting on Monday 9th October and finishing on Friday 20th October 2017.
The challenge is for pupils & their families to choose an active way of getting to school over the 10 day period. There are prizes for everybody who completes the challenge, as well as class and whole school prizes!
We need everyone to take part and make an effort to travel to school in an active way during the challenge. The challenge is also open to school staff and we will be making every effort to take part.
Walking, cycling, skating, scooting and park & stride are all active ways of travelling and we hope by taking part in the challenge it will:
- Improve health & wellbeing of our pupils & their families
- Encourage pupils and families to be more active
- Reduce congestion and parking problems around our school
- Promote active travel for the journey to school and for families to continue to do this after the challenge!
During the challenge each classroom will have a wall chart on which pupils who have travelled actively will record their journey by adding a special sticker to the chart. Those pupils with 10 stickers on the chart at the end of the 10 day challenge will be awarded a prize.
Please be aware if you live a long way from school and need to drive you can still take part by parking away from school (at least a 5 minute walk) and walking the last part of your journey, this is called Park & Stride.
Our school could also win some fantastic prizes like scooter storage or even a visit from a theatre company. We are competing against schools from across South Yorkshire so we really do need your help. Please do your best to be active on your journey to school and help us complete the challenge.
The School Council