Year 1 Spellings

In Year 1 we have been practising spelling red words. Red words are words which cannot be sounded out easily. It is important that children recognise that these words are red words and remember how to spell them in their writing.

In school we have been practising the words – the, to, I, no, go, he, she, we, me, be, his, into, is, of, has, ask, put

Each week we will send home a list of spellings for children to practise. The children will have the opportunity to show off their super spelling in class on Fridays. The date at the top of the spellings list is the date we will be checking spellings in school. Our first spellings check will be on Friday 27th September. Children will have the opportunity to learn these spellings in school but we would appreciate support and encouragement at home too – the children always love to show off their learning at home.

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