Year 1: Numbots

This week your child will be introduced to ‘Numbots’. Once we have introduced this in school your child will bring home their log-in details. Numbots is an app that will help your child to develop their mathematical skills. NumBots is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating. 

Last year we saw some amazing progress from the children who regularly played on the Numbots app. Children play games to move through levels and collect parts for their robots.

We thoroughly recommend this app to all children regardless of their current skill level. Although the first few levels appear to be easy for some children the levels will get increasingly harder. We would recommend using this app little and often. We would suggest around 3-4 minutes per day for as many days as is manageable for you as a family.

Teachers will be able to track your child’s progress as they access the app. Although your child may need you close by to explain the activity, please do not be temped to tell your child the answer. The levels are designed to build your child’s knowledge and quick recall skills and if they do not do this themselves they will find their learning difficult later. Please do not allow siblings to log in and play as your child. If your child shares a device then please ensure they are logged out when they have finished playing.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact your child’s class teacher. 

Thank you,

Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers

Useful information for parents:

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