Y3/Class 10 – What a Finish!

Wow – what a way to end our first week back! This morning, we spent some crew time outdoors completing team building games before looking, once more, at our Green Top Character Traits. Today’s story was The Selfish Giant which had us all thinking carefully about the trait of compassion.

Of course, the highlight of our day has to be this afternoon’s colour run which was amazing and I am so proud of how brave the children were – great job guys! A huge thank you to those of you who have managed to bring sponsorship money in for this as funds raised will be going towards our future reading library. A special mention to George for raising a whopping £85 and to Beatrice for a very mighty £55!

It’s been a gorgeous week with my lovely new class so a huge shout out to all the boys and girls for being such little superstars – I can’t wait to do Year 3 with you all! Best wishes for a well deserved weekend break, Mrs Dutton xx