We have had an amazing first week In Class 3. The children have been INCREDIBLE. I have seen so much progress already. This week we have focused on Crew. We have met our crew leaders, learned about the members of our crew and we have decided our crew norms. We will continue this work next week too. The children have enjoyed exploring their new learning environment and have produced some beautiful work in their play.
In Class 3 we have 2 Crews. Crew Schön and Crew Cook. The children meet their Crew leader 3 times per day to check in. In Crew Time we do our daily registers, hold circles, discuss our norms and our progress and ensure we are all on track to be the best versions of ourselves. At the end of each day we do a ‘checkout’ where we discuss and celebrate our day. We will also set targets for what we want to achieve next.
Our Crew time will start promptly at 8:50 each day so please ensure children are at school on time every day. Our doors are open from 8:30am to get children in and settled before we begin our day.
I hope your child has had a wonderful first week in Class 3!
Miss Schön
Crew Schön
Crew Cook