Tuesday’s wow home learning in Class 7!

Here’s a sneak peak of some of the things the children in Class 7 have been up to today!

Another great day using different coins to make certain amounts.

Children have worked hard to think of a jobs list for Percy to be doing in the park!

Today’s learning legend: 

Crystal…for working so hard in maths today! She’s been a Light Bulb Leo cutting and sticking lots of different coins to make lots of amounts. So blown away by your efforts. Keep it up!! 


Leo…for being an Exploring Eddie today. Leo has completed his learning electronically because he knew that the written method wasn’t working for him which is great. It’s so important to be happy in your learning and make sure you’re doing it in a way to suit your style so I’m really impressed by Leo reflecting on this!! Super star 🙂 

Well done everyone!!

Mrs Faulding xxx