Well done everyone you have been real troopers the past few months and I am so proud of every single one of you! I am going to miss you millions. I hope you have the best summer holiday ever and have a well deserved rest!! xxx
*Class 10 final hangout is on Monday at 10am on our old classroom*
Crew Thurkettle’s Learning Legend is … Ellis!
Well done Ellis! You have done a fantastic job today! I loved the letter you sent me which you have been working on this week. I can tell that you have tried extremely hard and you have included lots of detail and feautres 🙂 Great job. You have been a real Stickability Stan!
Cocoon H’s Learning Legend is… Henry!
Well done Henry. You have tried extremely hard today (as you always do!). Your maths work was super I was very impressed 😀 You have been a real Can Do Colin!