Terrific Tuesday learning!

Wow class 8 some great learning going on today. I think the learning legend is going to have to be Joel for his fantastic Expedition learning today showing the life cycle of a plant. I think you have been a Connecting Connie Joel, well done! I can tell you were thinking like a scientist and you really took care with your drawings and presentation too. I think you really used the remember to list in your learning. keep up the good work!

Well class 8 another brilliant day of learning today. I am so proud of everyone working so hard. I am so impressed at how many children have done the challenge maths slides!

Our critique for today is

I notice lots of children identifying expanded noun phrases.


I praise children completing the maths challenge slides.


I wonder where everyone was this afternoon for hangouts? I had all my teddies ready and a story to read!


I will be back for hangouts in the morning at 9.15 until 9.30. Bring a toy to hangouts and remember to turn you microphone off by clicking it so we can all share how we feel and all have a chance to talk.