Spring Term Clubs 23/24

Please find the link to sign up for spring clubs:


Clubs are capped and once a club is full, it will be taken from the form.  This means, if you apply for a club, your child automatically has a place.  You will not receive separate confirmation. 

If you are using our sunset club 4pm – 5:30pm and club places (3pm-4pm) have gone, please contact the office.

Should you wish to access our sunset club, you can book by contacting Mrs Fitzpatrick: sunset@greentopschool.org . Please include the following details: name, teacher, any allergies/dietary requirements, days required and a Contact number. Sunset club runs from 4pm to 5:30pm daily at £5 per day which should be paid in advance via ParentPay.

*** if you have more than one child this form MUST be completed separately for each child***