Nursery (Children moving to Reception)

Dear Parents and Carers,

As part of your child’s transition into reception this year you will all have received the following by the end of next week.

A letter explaining your child’s start date, 2 days transition into reception (Wednesday the 10th and Thursday the 11th of July 8:30-3pm) We would like to invite you to a parents information meeting on Thursday 20th June for key messages and information and to see the reception classrooms. If you feel you know school and the team and would like to instead email any questions or receive a phone call from Miss Carter and the reception teachers please get in touch. The slides from the meeting will be placed on the nursery blog for you to access. You will also receive 2 google forms to complete where you can give information about your child and complete the relevant consents and contacts ready for your child starting school.

Please arrive at the Ash Tree Road school entrance ready for 4:00pm for a short meeting in the hall. If your child is coming with you and would like to play in the reception classrooms during the meeting, please let us know prior,  for staffing purposes. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email [email protected] or ask speak to Miss Carter

We look forward to seeing you soon!