Friday Shout Outs

To close the week in Class 7, shout outs go to:

Bliss, who was Thursday’s learning legend following an amazing arithmetic test full of excellent pictorial strategies to help her achieve a brilliant score of 20/25! Great job, Bliss 🙂

Cara, this week’s Out of this World champion for always being kind

Reef, for his fantastic work hard attitude and perseverance with cursive handwriting

Rowan, for his lovely home artwork about his undersea learning

Annabel, for her home learning slides and matching t-shirt all about tessellation

and, Francesca for sharing her lovely storyteller voice with us when sharing her book from home for National Storytelling Week.

Well done on another busy but fab week boys and girls – don’t forget it’s our trip on Monday so remember to try and get an early night on Sunday ready to enjoy!