Expedition Hook

This week the children were excited to see a mysterious box that had been delivered to our class. The box had reportedly been found deep under the school grounds and we wondered how long it might have been hiding under the soil. The children were very excited about what the box might hold and we had some wonderful guesses as to what might be inside the box.

When we opened the box we found a postcard from a lady called Betty. She had written all about a seaside holiday she had been on but it sounded a little different from the holidays we have today. There were lots of photographs inside the box but they had no colours on them and it was hard to see the sea! The children were surprised to see that the people were wearing their smart clothes to the seaside such as suits, top hats, blouses and long skirts! They also found it funny that they had wooden huts to get changed into their swimming clothes and when they opened the door to the hut they were suddenly in the sea!

The awe and wonder on the children’s faces was a joy to see! We are very excited to see where our expedition takes us this term.