Class 7 – Welcome Back!

Wow – what a fantastic first week back, Class 7! We are learning lots about our new expedition topic and we’ve been busy immersing our classroom into our focus continent … Antarctica.

Our new expedition is going to explore how what we do has an impact on the world around us, and we will be learning about different habitats around the world as well as animal life-cycles and food chains. As part of our hook week, the children have been busy making some cute crafty penguins and seals as well as learning lots of facts about life in Antarctica.

This week, we have also been meeting with many of you for SLCs to discuss your child’s learning and experiences at school. Thank you so much for your support with these, it’s so lovely to share your child’s progress with you. If you haven’t been able to book an appointment yet then please let us know and we will arrange a day and time to suit.

All of the children have returned to school with fantastic learning attitudes and effort so well done everybody – let’s keep this up and make 2024 amazing!

Mrs Dutton & Miss Hilton x