Class 7 – Half Term Ready

And that’s a wrap on our first half-term in Year 2 – well done to everybody in Class 7! The children have worked extremely hard and we are so proud of how much progress and learning we can see already … keep it up boys and girls :).

This half-term, we have learned about the Great Fire of London and Martin Luther King Jr, as well as spent time with lots of local community heroes, such as: care home workers, our local mayor, the police and a firefighter. We have also pushed ourselves out of our comfort zone to be local heroes ourselves by visiting care homes, litter picking in the local area and helping others by bag-packing in the supermarket. Phew … no wonder we’re all ready for a rest!

A couple of shout-outs to mention: our new sparkly pencil writers this week are Martha, Levi and Freya … congratulations! Who will be next? Charlie C is waiting patiently for his Crew Champion award after half-term but who will be joining him??? And our top reader at the moment is Jack who received our first reading certificate for over 30 reads so far … who will be reading over the holidays to catch him up and get their own certificate?

Don’t forget to keep reading over the holidays (just like Charlie C in the photo!) and to log in to Times Tables Rockstars wherever possible to keep up your practice. And … have LOTS of fun – of course!

We hope you all enjoyed your yummy treat from us and here’s to a lovely half-term. We will see you all on 30th October,

Mrs Dutton, Miss Hilton and Mrs Clay xxx