I am so impressed with how many of our children had fun with technology today to celebrate our two weeks of dinosaur adventures for our expedition. The dinosaurs have been up to mischief and some even became our favourite pets!
Well done Amaya for being a creative Stickability Stan today with your maths! Amaya made numbers 1-10 with playdough and then ordered and named the numbers! I am so proud of you for ‘keeping trying’ well done!
I notice.. lots of measuring happening today!
I praise .. children really getting to grips with new phonics learning
I wonder… if children can begin to talk about which learning alien they feel they have been this week?learning legends
Nathaniel , Eli and Imogen have been working tremendously hard with the beginning sounds of words!
Well done Ezra for being a Can do Colin this week with your expedition learning !
I notice…more children using the learning platform this week
I praise…how confidently children are talking about their learning and how parents have annotated this via email or recorded it to share
I wonder…if you have started to learn sing and sign for Better World Day?
A selection of work to be proud of today!