We have a generic email address – [email protected] Please feel free to pass this address onto parents whose children have a diagnosis of Autism, or who are on the pathway, or who are on SEN Support with Social Communication Difficulties as the primary need. If they have any queries relating to the organisation and / or delivery of their child’s learning they can email that address. Also issues around anxiety and learning behaviours. Their query will then be picked up by a member of the team and we shall endeavour to respond by telephone within 24 hours. The parent will need to provide their name, their child’s name, the school they attend and the details of their query, Also their phone details. We shall maintain a record of queries and responses to pass onto yourselves.
We anticipate that whilst some children will appreciate the lessened social and sensory demands in the short term, that the long term effects of the lack of a regular structure and defined end point to the current situation will prove very difficult.