Make each day your masterpiece 🌟


Here’s what Class 7 have been getting up to this week…

In our fluency for reading starters we have been listening to the audio book of The Three Little Pigs. The children make sure they are laying comfortably and close their eyes so that they can really focus and listen. After each part of the story, we have a discussion about what happened in that part of the story!

In Literacy Labs, we’ve watched a story about a little boy who creates his dream house and have split off in to three different groups to do different activities. One group were making their own dream house out of building blocks, another group designed their own dream house with different rooms linking to the text and the final group completed comprehension questions. It’s been so much fun!!

I’ve also included a little clip of our daily wake up, shake up routine that we do to get us ready for the day ahead!

Enjoy 😊

Mrs Faulding x