Monday learning

Today’s learning legend is Ferron, she found maths a little bit tricky today but she didn’t give up she kept trying and working hard until she understood what she had to do. Well done Ferron, keep up the good work. I am really proud of you.


Today’s critique is

I notice lots of great maths learning happening in school and handed in on the online classroom.

I praise seeing some beautiful work in English for our passage presentations, I have been amazed at how neatly they have been presented the drawings have been fabulous.

I wonder if we can have a circle topic in the morning about something we have read recently. This could be a book you have enjoyed reading of had read to you, something interesting you read e.g maybe you read an interesting fact about an animal we have been researching.

Thank you to everyone that has continued to hand work in on the classroom I love seeing what you have all been up to. I miss all your smiling faces.

I will be back on hangouts at 9.15 in the morning, see you all there class 8.