Learning Legend of the day is…


Well done Myles for being our second Have a go Henry of the week! Your maths work today was incredible and you achieved so well because of your ability to challenge yourself! Super proud of you!Keep up the great work!

Learning Legend of the day is…

Hollie! Congratulations Hollie on your very first learning legend and what a Have a go Henry you have been! Your very first day and you even spoke to your friends about the new challenges you would like to try! Super proud of you

Clay houses

Here are some more examples of wonderful work as children continued their learning from earlier in the week. I’m sure you will agree how beautiful it is.

Today’s learning Legend is …


Well done Kitty for your beautiful singing on our hangout today and for joining us when you can! I know you were super hard behind the scenes to join in with as much as you can. Keep on smiling and sharing your learning journey with me even though you are at home. Well done!

HoWL point winners!

This weeks winners are well deserved!

In 1st place we have Matilda for creating beautiful work and always giving 100%

In 2nd place we have Aria for always being super kind and working independently

In 3rd Place we have Ezra for consistently challenging himself and working from home daily!

Well done to you all!

Working hard

I can produce my best work…

Martha has completed the alphabet exercise posted on google classroom today. ”

She swapped somersaults for Roly polies and she also used it as name writing practise. At the start of the week on hangout Martha said she wanted to practise writing her ‘m’ and ‘a’. When writing her ‘a’ we decided it’s all about remembering where to start and then it is ok. ”

Well done Martha what a great working habit to have and a true Motivated Mo!