A big well done to Delia for being such a brilliant listener today!
Ava is being so kind and caring looking after her two very beautiful baby rabbits.
Well done Ava! They are very very cute!
Charlotte has been working super hard at home with her initial sounds in phonics and exploring capacity for her maths learning.
Well done Charlotte! We are all so proud of you! What a Can do Colin you are! ⭐️
Aleiya and Ava for their amazing work in maths today!
They used key words such as ‘full, half full and empty’ when talking about capacity.
Well done girls! We are super proud of you!
The children had such a wonderful time exploring our dinosaur world tuff tray. The children collaborated and played so beautifully together and had so much fun!
Our Choosing Checking Changing Charlies! Well done to these superstars! ⭐️⭐️
In Nursery Crew we talked about what red nose day means to use and thought about those who need our help. The children were very interested in the concept of charity shops and how these help. Such wonderful understanding from our smallest children
Join in with our March reading challenge by helping us to earn 250,000 reading minutes!
Log how many minutes you have read this week at home!
Don’t log the minutes you have read in school as your teachers have done this for you!
The link to the Google form is here: https://forms.gle/jj31KPb8wnbdEZLT6
I’d like to appreciate each and everyone of you that wished me a happy birthday and I am overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness shown yesterday by my Green Top family. Thank you all so so much and I hope the children had as much birthday fun as I did!
Rose, we have been so impressed with your use of positional language this week in maths. You are a superstar! ⭐️